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RCB Course Description



A Democratic Approach

In our fast-paced society, adults and children spend much of their time in separate environments. We all want to make the most of the time we have together, however, it can become difficult for us to give of ourselves or get what we want from our relationships.


You can have the kind of relationship with your children you have dreamed of, and you can help them develop skills to become loving, motivated and successful adults.


This course meets for three-hour sessions for 5 weeks. Classes meet one day a week.



Session 1

Understanding the child's personality

Learn to manage stress

Reducing sibling rivalry and competition

How to stop fights/ Using action-not-words

Developing healthy self-concepts

Promoting cooperation and helpfulness


Session 2

Develop an effective parenting style

Teaching self-motivation and self-management

Building high self-esteem


Session 3

Minimize power struggles

What to do when a child is hurtful

Intervention and corrective measures that work

What to do when a child demands attention


Session 4

Improving self-concepts

Using natural and logical consequences

How to handle and express feelings

Punishment and reward vs. "Redirecting"



Session 5

"Redirecting" in the family

Promoting agreement for couples

Working together as parents

Keeping a good thing going

Effective family communication




Courses are held in various locations around the Washington, DC area and virtually. Check out our schedule of upcoming courses. Or contact us to set up a course, workshop or series to offer directly to your group, school or organization.

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